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Mining Companies
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Our Line Creek operation is located approximately 25 kilometres north of Sparwood in southeastern British Columbia. Line Creek supplies steelmaking and thermal coal to a variety of international and domestic customers. 
The Millennium mine site is located near Fort McMurray in northern Alberta, Canada.
The Morenci operation includes a 50,000 mtd concentrator that produces copper and molybdenum concentrates; a 68,000 mtd crushed-ore leach pad and stacking system; a low-grade run-of-mine leaching system; four solution extract (SX) plants;
Pershing Gold Corporation (Pershing Gold) is an emerging Nevada gold producer uniquely positioned to create shareholder value by fast-track reopening of the Relief Canyon Mine. 
The 100% owned Renard Diamond Project, Stornoway’s flagship asset, is located near the Otish Mountains in north-central Quebec and is well on track to becoming Quebec’s first diamond mine. 
The Rocanville mine site is located 18 km east of the community of Rocanville in south-east Saskatchewan, Canada.
Water resources will be protected by avoiding impacts to the Davidson Canyon and Cienega Creek watershed, recycling production water within the plant and lining storage reservoirs to ensure that groundwater is not affected.
Scorpio Mining is a silver producer operating in Mexico with significant base metal by-product credits. The Nuestra Señora operation generates strong operational cash flow to support future financing requirements.   The Company remains focused on growth through advancing its nearby development projects to production...
he Sierrita mine is a porphyry copper deposit that has oxide and secondary sulfide mineralization, and primary sulfide mineralization. The predominant oxide copper minerals are malachite, azurite and chrysocolla. Chalcocite is the most important secondary copper sulfide mineral, and chalcopyrite and molybdenite are the dominant primary...
We operate Smith Ranch and Highland in Wyoming as a combined operation. Each has its own processing facility, but the Smith Ranch central plant currently processes all the uranium and the Highland mill is currently idle. Together, they form the largest uranium production facility in the United States.